Getting started

What is HyVerify?

  • HyVerify is an asset verification Discord bot for Hychain that enables Discord role assignments based on ERC721 or ERC1155 ownership.


  • Invite HyVerify into your server
  • On Discord:
    • Create or choose a verify-asset channel
    • Run the /setup command from the chosen channel (the /setup command is restricted to server administrators)
    • Make sure the bot (in the server settings roles) is placed above all the roles it has to manage.
  • Login with your Discord account on
    • From your dashboard select your server
    • Add a collection by pasting the contract address and wait for the name and symbol to be fetched
    • Go back to Discord and run the /refresh command.
    • Go back to the website and start adding role rules by adding roles button.
    • Congrats you are all set!


  • What is a role?
    • A role is simply a Discord role assignment rule-set
  • How can I assign a role?
    • When users own a minimum number of items of a collection
    • When users own a minimum number of items of a collection with specific metadata attributes
    • When users own a number of items from different collections
    • When users own a number of items from different collections with specific traits
    • See the Rules section for more details.


  • Rules can be of two different types
    • Level:number of items of a specific collection
    • Trait:number of items of a certain type attribute of a specific collection
  • Different rules can be added to a single role (rule-set)
  • Rules of the same role can point to different collections, allowing for cross-collection base role assignment
A project by: Abstrucked.eth